Thursday, 14 June 2012


We have now been experimenting with a new 3D game design software known as UDK (Unreal Development Kit). We have just been over the basics so not much is known about UDK for me. I have done a few screenshots of what I have done.

Now there are several different types of background you can open with on UDK. I went ahead and chose morning background. This is pretty much what it looks like.

Next I have done a city which is a simple click and drag option as this is a default city. By going into the options you can find loads of different things.

Finally I have uploaded pre made vehicles. I have screenshot a picture of me blowing up another vehicle showing the damage and health settings are already inside the vehicle mechanics.

Game Interface

I have now done my game interface design. I have gone through using various buttons, money design, a simple field map, life gauge and a magic meter.

Okay in the top left corner the hearts represent your health, the more damage you take, the more hearts you lose, these are also divided into quarters. Below the hearts is a green bar, this is your magic meter. The more magic you use, the more your meter decreases. Next at the bottom left is your money supply. Top right you have your buttons which come up with commands for interacting with various objects. Finally the bottom right is your map.

This is all purely based around adventure games known as Legend of Zelda. Which is a classic layout of health, money, map and button display. This is what I have researched in previous posts.